Real Estate Blog - Blog Archive: November, 2023

488 homes exchanged hands in October 2023 via the MLS® System of the London and St. Thomas Association of REALTORS® (LSTAR), 2.45% more than during the previous month, but 0.5% less than a year ago. The number of new listings climbed to 1,232, which marks a record high for the month of October.

Housing supply stayed virtually unchanged from last month, decreasing only very slightly from 4.4 months in September to 4.3 months in October.

"Amid healthier inventory levels, modest sales, and a surge in new listings, it appears the local housing market is leaning in favour of homebuyers. The scales are tilting, offering buyers greater opportunities,” said Adam Miller, 2023 Chair of the London and St. Thomas Association of REALTORS® (LSTAR). "This was also…

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